week 2 update
please do BPA tutorial for tomorrow's lecture.
A.Chem lab will commence tomorrow too. (25/10)
lab coats don't forget. covered shoes and long pants/skirt
BPA lab 1 hand in friday (26/10)
please do BPA tutorial for tomorrow's lecture.
A.Chem lab will commence tomorrow too. (25/10)
lab coats don't forget. covered shoes and long pants/skirt
BPA lab 1 hand in friday (26/10)
Updated by
Selfish Rants
6:50 PM
take note: NO PI&C TUTORIAL ON FRIDAY (26/10)
Analytical Chemistry Tutorial 1:
the questions and people that are assigned to are:
Updated by
Selfish Rants
6:35 PM
there will be 3 people per group for BPA lab. i believe you people will stick to the same groupings. so there won't be much hassle. do write out for me who's with who tomorrow before the BPA lab starts.
be reminded to buy LOG BOOK for PI&C lab by week 2.
i will hand out the schedule for PI&C lab to each of you tomorrow (19/10).
no semestral project lessons tomorrow (19/10), so school will start at 11am which is the PI&C tutorial.
the link above is to the math assignment that needs to be done through Microsoft Excel. (remove the spacing when you're using the link cause the last link didn't show up when i reviewed in the blog)
Incineration field trip: only Weilun and Yi You (BMTC) will not be going.
Updated by
Selfish Rants
5:56 PM
alright, welcome back people. i know this blog had been dead.
first of all, the thoughts of having a lunch time together as CP0606 outside school had been remained in thoughts as i believe so. but that does not matter, we will try to make it in school instead on one of these days, yeah?
do take note on certain things:
Updated by
Selfish Rants
7:13 PM