CL1306 Instructions on Week 4
1. 2.00 to 3.00 pm : FURNACE, BOILER, ABS
3.00 to 4.00 pm : ADS, HTEX, TANKS, DIST
2. Preparation before the class:
• Each Group to make progress on research and
development of project content.
• E-mail the latest version of presentation file to by 6 pm on Wed, 15 Nov 06.
3. Each group will take 5-10 minutes to review their
progress with the Tutor, in softcopy form. All members
of the team MUST be present.
• Tutor to provide clarification and guidance.
4. All groups in each time slot are to remain in
the room for the entire period.
Please take note which timing your group is supposed to be in.
Email me at this email address or call me at 65500712 if you need any help/advice. Don't wait till next Thursday then tell me, "don't know what or how to do leh ..."
Have fun!
Mr Yow.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Hi everyone,
The Student Counselling Service is organising a BGR Workshop entitled
'Am I Ready for Love' open to all NYP students on
22 Nov 2006 (Wed) 3.15 - 6.30 pm
Please help us to announce this to your students
Please urge your students to register personally
at Student Affairs Office (Blk E, Lev.4) for priority in admission as places are limited.
In this workshop, the students will learn:
'What Women Want; What Men Think'
How to be 'Sexually Intelligent'?
For any clarification, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much.
With regards,
Yvette Tan (x1902) & Chew Yang Hee (x1903)
Student Counsellors
Updated by
1:30 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
How's studies soo far?? ((:
Anyone went for SINFONIA by NYPSO??? xD
Hehe... Juliana here and I performed in it!! heheh...
Show you all two pics I have right now alright?
That's the flower Edna, Chaihui, Melissa, Huiqing, Jialun, Xiaoyu, Zhixiong, Jintian and nicholas bought for me!!! xD and that's my senior. Hehhee.....
Haha.. I'm using class blog to thanks them((:
Grateful to those who came. Hehhe..Hope we(NYPSO) didn't bore you to death alright!! xD
Okay, so how's lessons and tutorials so far?? Can cope?
Was it easier then last sem?
Or is it more difficult?
Well, I hope everyone still can cope with it.
In the meantime, Do not forget to submit your presentation slides to Mr Yow by wednesday 6pm okae? ((:
Jiayou for the remaining weeks okay?
Common test is nearing us all as the weeks past. (:
signing off.
Updated by
9:58 PM